At Christ Church Chilwell we are one family, following Jesus and growing community around the person of Jesus and the priorities of his kingdom.

We see Church Life as a blend of Gathered Life, Scattered Life, and Community Life. When these align, we find New Life.

Gathered Life
The Gathered LIFE represents the larger, corporate coming together of the body of Christ, predominantly (but not exclusively) on Sundays, where worship, teaching and Communion form the focal points.

Community life
The Community LIFE represents our participation (as individuals and as a church) in our wider communities/contexts as we seek to serve and bless them.

Scattered life
The Scattered LIFE represents the dispersed presence of the church, especially Monday-Saturday, where deeper discipleship and ‘doing life together’ is prioritised. This includes Life Groups, youth groups, family groups and supporting those in their places of work.
Our Vision
As a parish that seeks to be at the heart of local community and serving our local community in the best ways we can, we want to be:
- Reaching our neighbours with love and authenticity;
- Teaching the Bible with care and integrity;
- Praying persistently with purpose and expectation;
- Growing together in generosity and joy;
- Going out as servants, leaders and witnesses.
Strategically, this looks like:
O1. Training younger leaders for ministry and mission …
O2. Commissioning a team to grow a worshipping community …
O3. Welcoming 150 new followers of Jesus …
O4. Doubling the number of children in Sunday groups …
O5. Redeveloping our halls for thriving ministries, training and hospitality …
From a more personal point of view, we all play our part by committing to:
- Gathering regularly …
- Getting involved practically and prayerfully …
- Giving financially …