Giving to God through Chilwell Parish
Recognising that giving happens in many ways, if you would like to give financially to God through Chilwell Parish, there are different ways of doing this:
- Regular giving by a standing order (this is our preferred option as this helps us to plan)
- One-off giving, which could be by cheque or cash
We also seek to be tax efficient so, for example, for every £100 given by tax payers we aim to recover £25 from HMRC via the government’s Gift Aid scheme.
How To Give
Whether offering a regular gift or a one-off gift, you could do this in one of two ways:
Giving by bank transfer by completing one of our Giving Forms, which contains details of the church’s bank account for setting up standing orders and bank transfers.
Giving online via ChurchSuite by clicking here, which allows you to quickly set up a standing order or give a one-off gift. Please note that there is a small cost of 2.4% + 20p when giving via ChurchSuite, but you can also choose to meet this cost yourself so it’s not deducted from what’s actually received.
Both options include a section for specifying your Gift Aid preferences.
Please note that in order to qualify for Gift Aid, the total amount of charitable donations you make each year should not be more than 4 times what you’ve paid in tax (income tax or capital gains tax) in that tax year (6 April to 5 April).
Completion of the relevant forms enables us to correctly set up our records for your giving and is a legal requirement if we are to claim tax refunds on your donations via the Gift Aid scheme.
Your completed form may either be placed in the ‘Completed Donation/Giving Forms‘ box at the back of church or may be given, posted or emailed to our giving co-ordinator, Karen Walker.
Karen will be happy to answer any queries, including any questions you may have regarding the Gift Aid scheme, and may be emailed at